So, we packed a U-Haul, a kid and two cars and crossed the desert to this place. Thirty-four years ago last month. So much for the five year residency. We've chosen to be here forever.
One of the statements I made early in our relationship centered on my hatred of heat. I declared that I'd move anywhere (almost anywhere) as long as it wasn't hotter than where I was already living. We moved. It is even hotter here. That's definitely not what I love about this location. I guess I could say it's what I loathe. Yet we're staying and I totally agree.
The other day I began thinking about why I do love this area. These thoughts emerged as the thermometer began its annual climb to frying numbers. I have somewhat adapted to the heat and know that it won't last forever. It will just seem that way. The absolute bliss of late fall, winter and spring will return to refresh my attitude and cool my soul. During those blissful months, I'll remark repeatedly that the day is glorious, the sky sublime, the air so dry the humidity can barely be measured. I'll be serene, suffused by temperatures that are simply perfect.
Until those favored days return, I shall focus on all there is to love about Palm Springs as it sizzles. My list includes:
.grey, purple mountains with smidges of green that provide a rocky barrier and signature landscape
.wide, clean streets made for walking or biking
.Spanish tiled roofs of houses old and new that herald a Southwest heritage
.seminal Mexican food at Las Casuelas, the original
.grilled shrimp tacos surrounded by chips (fries) that shouldn't, but will, be eaten at Fisherman's Market
.the deli crew at Ralph's who know I'll stop by at least twice a week for 1 1/4 pounds of Boar's Head low-sodium turkey, sliced extra thin
.whole wheat Omega-3 dinner rolls with flax seeds, adorned with oatmeal flakes from Aspen Mills Bakery
.orange and yellow lantana that relishes the heat and spreads across our xeriscape rock lawn
.our pool, complete with diving board and spa, which beckons the neighbor sisters and offers a wet escape in the evening when the water temperature approaches that of a tepid bath
.the convenience of an airport so close we could walk there, featuring desirable destinations and occasional reasonable fares
.wandering the aisles of the public library, searching for new titles as well as older tomes and trying not to lament how much it's changed since Henry retired
.leisurely lunches with sweet special friends--Lois, Denise, Josie, Susan
.non-blockbuster, but intellectually satisfying, movies at the Camelot Theater just down the street
.good enough, but not quite New York pizza, from Angelina's
.grilling turkey burgers and chicken on our patio
.driving down Palm Canyon with sparse traffic alongside me
.stopping at the Farmer's Market, relocated to the almost abandoned mall, and encountering the mother of Caitlin's very first friend from Kindergarten
.sharing these special places with family and friends who are astounded at the mountain vistas, the unique beauty of our desert and the hominess of our adopted town and who do not expire despite the temperatures
.the deep ripe orange of Mexican Bird of Paradise plants that languish in winter and thrive spectacularly in summer
Occasionally as we travel, people inquire about where we live. Most have heard of this place. Some have visited, though not in summer. Almost always there is astonishment that we are in residence year-round. Of course we are, this is home.
Yes, it is love, Palm Springs style. Even today when it's 118 degrees. I'll just concentrate on this photo.
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